Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Most Important Dog

Flying Fido

By: Chloe, Nate, Christian, & Brianna

We found a news article on Fido the flying dog.
This amazing dog can jump 25 feet 6 inches! People
say it looks like he’s flying! That’s probably how he got his
nickname. This dog’s longest jump is 28 feet 8 inches. Wow!
This dog is crazy for water. His owner can’t keep him out! When
the other dogs jump in he gets really jealous. He struggles to stay out.
When the owner lets go he shoots off the deck!
This dog has a top speed of 34 mph. This big dog has to
go all around the world to compete. But every time he accomplishes a lot
of things. Don’t you wish Flying Fido was your dog?

1 comment:

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I so want a fido dog, wish there was a picture so we could all see the flying dog.....wahoo.