Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Most Important Read-A-Thon

The Most Important Read-A-Thon

By: Jamie, Caleb, Zac, & Mikaylin

The first thing we all did when we got here was word cards. It took about 15-20 minutes in all. After that, everyone found a good spot to read. We stared reading for about 5 minutes, then a lot of people got their snacks. Then we all kept reading. Then the bell rang and we all went to recess. When we all got back in we went back to our spots. Then started reading again. After that I (Caleb) went over to Miss Hansen's desk. She told me to take her camera and start taking pictures of everyone reading. I'm pretty sure I got a picture of everyone. Then we kept reading. After that, we went to lunch. After lunch, we went to I.L.S. When we all got back, we read even more. When we were done reading, we did math facts. When we finished math facts we did our cursive. After cursive, we went to computer. After computer we went to recess. Then cleaned up. After that, we went to music. We sang our songs for the 4th grade program. After that we went home.


Hot Shauna said...
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"The Queen in Residence" said...

Hot Shauna - gotta love that handle!!! I love that Caleb is already so full of humility and so shy about telling us that he was the publisher. Good job though, loved the read-a-thon.

Hot Shauna said...

I was the writer, not he publisher.

Hot Shauna said...

Finally, the pictures are on there! :-)

Hot Shauna said...

I'm a sixth-grader now